
Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Three Beards #009: The Beard Who Loved Me

In this ninth edition of The Three Beards, everyone is being spied on by the NSA, DOMA is found unconstitutional, and Fletcher, Robert, & Kevin talk some Paula Deen. Put some butter on this episode, ya'll!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Three Beards #008: Cougars On A Plane

In this eighth edition of The Three Beards, Robert drinks Mountain Dew while Fletcher & Kevin drink all sorts of beer brought by local brewer and special guest, Ed.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Three Beards #007: Stick To Bottle For Great Time

In this seventh edition of The Three Beards, Fletcher buys the worst beer ever, Robert makes the most insensitive comments in the history of mankind, Kevin is surrounded by a gang of thieves, and Jeff the Asshole brings on a game of One-True-Three!