
Friday, April 26, 2013

The Three Beards #003: Revenge of the Jeff

In the most politically incorrect edition of The Three Beards yet, special guest Jeff the Asshole is not phased by the Blue Waffle, Robert delivers a One-True-Three, Kevin drinks a lot, and Fletcher tries to wrap up the episode and save the show from a drunken host. Apologies to everyone we offended with this episode in advance.

Friday, April 19, 2013

The Three Beards #002: Attack of the Beards

In this second installment of The Three Beards, Fletcher doesn't seem to like the path Star Wars is going down, Kevin defends Gamestop, and Robert betrays what it means to be one of the three beards for Food Lion.

Friday, April 12, 2013

The Three Beards #001: The Phantom Podcast

This is it, the debut episode of The Three Beards!  In this episode, Fletcher describes the difference between a "man" beer and a "bitch" beer, Robert illustrates both a political and sexual orgy, and Kevin gets called out as being a hipster.  Oh, and it turns out people will buy ANYTHING in Bangkok.